He seemed to get done faster and the strange thing is that I only felt about 5 on each side. I asked my mom once we got in the car why they did such a small and fast treatment and she just looked at me and said they did way more than normal. I was confused. I know I didn't pass out or anything so I guess that medicine I took really helped. I wasn't nearly as tired once it was done and felt pretty good for the most part (till I tried to sit or get up).
Yesterday I didn't get out of bed much, but today I can move better. I'm still not going to be going anywhere, but I can get around the house fine. We have a few things to do tomorrow and Sunday so I should be okay by then if I take it easy where ever we go.
The next visit is a month from that one so, it's on March 18th. I'm going to get out of History again. There was something else but I don't remember what it was (the joys of brain fog), if it's that important I'll update this thing later.
Oh, and here is a picture of my back about an hour and a half after the prolo. There were more holes than this further down but you don't get a picture of that. The holes are the needle marks and the lines are just where I was lying down.