Friday, March 19, 2010

We went on Tuesday for my latest round of prolo; it had been two months because of school. My wrists had started acting up before that, and had been for a few weeks. I had a few days where I was having trouble in class trying to take notes, and then having to practice piano on top of that. It didn’t stay that bad for too long though, so I could angrily grouch around put up with it. I was looking forward to this treatment because of that, I knew I needed it.

My back has been okay, my general pain level has been much lower. It just depends on what I do, how long I sit or stay on my feet, or if I’ve had to carry anything too heavy. Most of the time though, it is much lower than it used to be, letting me do way more things. In fact, I went snowboarding a few weeks ago.

Yep, snowboarding.

I went with a group from school, and we did the night skiing, so I was out there for a good 3 ½ hours. I took a break at one point, maybe for 15 or 20 minutes to rest, but other than that I was on the board. I did stay on the bunny slope. I knew I shouldn’t over do it, and by the time I was comfortable enough to go down the regular slope without dying, I was so tired I knew it would have been a very bad idea. Towards the end, my knees were killing me along with my whole freakin body, so I knew I would pay for it…a lot.

I was right.

Boy, was I right. That night, I couldn’t sleep at all. If I moved anything (even a finger) my whole body would BURN. Sound extreme? Can’t even begin to complain enough tell you about it. The next day, I didn’t think I would survive, but I did, and it wasn’t terrible. Yes, that’s a lie, but I have had worse. By the next day though, I was okay. Really. I was sore for a while, but so was everyone else that went.

Was it worth it?

Defiantly. It was amazing! I never thought I would be able to do anything like that, and I’ve always wanted too. I actually got it down pretty good, and I can’t wait to go again.

Crazy? Maybe. But I’m okay with some soreness.

I told Dr. B about it and he looked at me in disbelief and said “you did what?” I smiled and nodded my head, and he thought it was great. He even talked about wanting to try it, but said his wife would probably protest.

He did the usually check-up and laughed when he finished testing my back. He said I still need some treatment but we are far from where we started.

*insert slight excitement here*

We did my back and both wrists, and all went well. My wrists still need a good bit, but they will get there. With the constant use, they are bound to take a little longer. Then we will go on with my neck and knees at some point, until the rest of me is strong enough to get me though without major problems.

But it’s working. I mean really working.

And I have no doubt that it will continue to.

The few days since then have been spent recovering in bed. Today was my first day out and about, so I am pretty tired. There is a concert tomorrow though, so I will need to rest up. But knowing my friends, they will shove ask people to move off the couch for me. : )

But I’m just wondering… what’s your thing you want to be able to do at some point? Even if it’s way out there and you think you’re better off not even thinking about it?

Because you never know, you might just have a chance to do it one day.