Friday, February 20, 2009

Visit Three

Well, the last treatment went well! I was completely better from my cold (or whatever it was) and the pain meds I took before I went really helped. I took it about an hour before the treatment so it had plenty of time to start working. I went in and filled out the little chart thing that you have to do each visit so they know where the pain is and what level and all that, then we went back and talked to Dr. B. I filled him in on everything, told him about how I can get up stairs better sometimes, and how the recovery went last time. We pretty much jumped right into the prolo, but I told them no deep anesthetic, just the local that they usually do. That part isn't too painful, more of a pinch than anything. The good thing is that you don't have to wait for that to take effect, so it's very quick. Then we started the real thing. They did more than usual and moved up further and down further too. I almost came off the table at one point, Dr. B hit a tender spot and I jumped suddenly and so did everyone else in the room. That was kind of funny.

He seemed to get done faster and the strange thing is that I only felt about 5 on each side. I asked my mom once we got in the car why they did such a small and fast treatment and she just looked at me and said they did way more than normal. I was confused. I know I didn't pass out or anything so I guess that medicine I took really helped. I wasn't nearly as tired once it was done and felt pretty good for the most part (till I tried to sit or get up).

Yesterday I didn't get out of bed much, but today I can move better. I'm still not going to be going anywhere, but I can get around the house fine. We have a few things to do tomorrow and Sunday so I should be okay by then if I take it easy where ever we go.

The next visit is a month from that one so, it's on March 18th. I'm going to get out of History again. There was something else but I don't remember what it was (the joys of brain fog), if it's that important I'll update this thing later.

Oh, and here is a picture of my back about an hour and a half after the prolo. There were more holes than this further down but you don't get a picture of that. The holes are the needle marks and the lines are just where I was lying down.

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