Friday, March 20, 2009

This time went really well. I took the meds before I went (just like last time), but it did hurt more than last time. I think that's just because they did more injections though. Believe it or not just three hours after the prolo I went to a thing at my church. Norm Airington was speaking every night Sunday through Wednesday for revival and I really wanted to be there for that last night. I got a ride from a friend and took pillows and just walked very slowly to and from the car. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting, but I was very light headed for some reason, probably the pain meds.

Yesterday was fun. My cousin Aya and our friend Jimmie came and stayed with me all day. Mom had to work till 4:30 so Aya came at 12:00 and Jimmie came at about 1:00. Mom just wanted someone there with me to make sure I would be okay. We had fun, just watched tv and some stuff on the computer and Monty Python and the Quest For The Holy Grail, Jimmie had never seen it before so we had to show it to him. I think it confused him but that's kinda the point. I'm really glad I have friends who are willing to give up their day just to come and look out for me. It made me realize how lucky I am.

Today has been fine. Not much pain at all from the prolo. Down to
half a pill too and it's still not bad.

I really haven't had many mood swings like I was talking about. I had one really bad day a week or so ago but up until then (and since then) I've been doing really well. Even my counselor made a comment about how I even looked better, just happier or something.

Here's a picture of what I can show you from this last time.

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